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Yoga Day 21


The Open Championship Moving Day

July 16, 2022

Fun to wake up this morning and see Kevin Kisner card at 65 at the Open Championship. Kisner grew up and still lives in Aiken.

Looks like many folks at the Oakhurst Inn are staying here for weddings. I hope the rain holds off for them.

Day 21 yoga practice. Great relaxing session. I can tell my hammys are looser and my hips are getting there. I can’t “walk my feet forward” yet but I can hold a plank for a long time (word is that a plank of over a minute is not useful — better to do two one-minute planks than one two-minute plank. Not sure why.)

The head down toward the feet stretch is also a “limited” stretch for me. I can get my head down close to my knees, that’s it. That one will be a good test to see how much looser overall I become.

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