What matters most.
Yes, tomorrow is important but today is paramount.
As leaders, we try to predict tomorrow. But even more important is perceiving and appreciating today. And isn’t that all we ever have?
Indeed, abundance is not measured in titles, positions, and careers—that’s only what we do. What endures is who we are—our very essence:
Grace. Unearned and unmerited, it is a feeling, an action, a perspective, a virtue that rises above the rest.
Empathy. Meeting people where they are—and, in every conversation, striving to help them feel better than they did before.
Listening. Twice as much as we speak.
Authenticity. The more we open up and share, the more relatable we are to others.
Inclusiveness. Diversity is a fact, inclusion is a behavior … leading the many, while at the same time understanding the perspectives of all.
Purpose. Why we do what we do. It comes from being connected to something bigger than ourselves.
Love. Here is a timeless truth that resonates deeply: When we tell people, “We couldn’t have done it without you,” what we’re really saying is, “You are loved.”
Powerful and intrinsic, these motivators distill the essence of our shared humanity. Because when the varnish comes off, the façade fades—these are the desires we all share. To belong, to make a difference.
Indeed, that’s what really matters.