Boulder, Colorado
December 14, 2020
Even though I may sometime drink a high-test Dr. Pepper, I think this sugar tax is a great idea. Makes me think twice.
Obviously, Boulder has a lot of Democrats living in the city limits. 🤪
The Sugar Sweetened Beverage Product Distribution Tax is a voter-initiated tax that was adopted by Boulder voters in the November 2016 election. It places a two cents per ounce excise tax on the distribution of beverages with added sugar and other sweeteners. The tax takes effect on July 1, 2017 and revenue will be spent on health promotion, general wellness programs and chronic disease prevention that improve health equity, and other health programs especially for residents with low income and those most affected by chronic disease linked to sugary drink consumption.
For more details regarding the tax, please see City of BoulderSugar Sweetened Beverage Product Distribution Tax.