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  • Writer's

September 15, 2024

USACE Doenstream Camptound ($15) (I wanted access to running water!)

Fort Peck, Montana

September 15, 2024

Today was very sunny - no clouds — and hit at 85 degrees. Did not expect this in Montana.

Took a day off from driving.

Went on a tour of Fort Peck powerhouse. 185 MW using five Kaplan turbines. Power sold by Western Area Power Administration to utilities and coops in Montana and the Dakotas. I enjoyed the experience of knowing all about hydro plants. Maybe I did learn somethings during my career.

Fort Peck is the first of five (I believe) dams on the Missouri. Smallest generation capacity.

Spent some time by the lake organizing and cleaning.

I guess horseshoes is big out here!

Ate dinner at a local restaurant. First sit down meal in weeks, that I remember. It was mostly a bar with NGL games on. I watched but not really interested

Returned to the pasture golf course. I walked the course and put all the flags in their holes. Most of them had been on the ground. Played two holes with a seven iron. My scoliosis hurts.

In a moment of weakness paid $15 to camp in a Corps campground. They do a great job with their campgrounds.

Still feeling a bit overwhelmed trying to document all that I am experiencing. Trying to be more Zen about it and be satisfied doing what I can do.

Good Lord there are a lot of flies in North Dakota and Montana. So freaking annoying!!

When I was checking into the campground there was a couple with a fifth wheel who had just arrived from Alaska. The woman said Alaska and Canada were cold and rainy. Yuck!

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