TownePlace Suites ($120)
Hot Springs, Arkansas
November 24, 2024
Killing time at the hotel until the Hot Sptings National Oark visitors center opens at 9 AM. I guess there is more to see in this town of approximately 40,000 people than I knew. But I guess that is true of almost everyplace I have visited. I’m going to check out the National park because that’s what brought me here. I’m within 600 miles of my goal of Atlanta. I won’t get there today but maybe tomorrow. My goal was Tuesday.
Yesterday’s drive from Chickasha was through a truly sparsely populated part of this country. If I recall correctly, the biggest town was Mena, Arkansas with a population of under 6,000. Only saw less than a handful of Dollar Generals.
Funny how driving can make me physically tired. It might be helpful if I did more stretching when I stop — my legs ache and I can tell that my quads and hamstrings are going to need a few good weeks of stretching. Probably would not hurt to do some planks.
It feels luxurious to spend nights in hotels. Hard to believe how good a shower and a shave feels to start the day!