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Do You See The Light?

Charlottesville, Virginia

February 4, 2020

It is probably obvious (painfully so?😳) to those of you who have read my posts that my walkabout is a poorly disguised journey to discover (uncover?) something(s) that I missed learning earlier in my life. (Note, how I avoided using the words shoulda, coulda, woulda!) Perhaps the "looking for answers to questions that bother me so" might have been a hint?😎

When I read the following words from David Brooks' book The Second Mountain, I had one of those elusive "ah ha" moments when I felt I was beginning to understand and just maybe begin put together some pieces of my jigsaw puzzle.

I tried to insert a GIF here of a guy being hit with a 2x4. I couldn't figure out how to do that - put your imagination to work!

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For 20, 25 years, I described myself as a pantheist or agnostic, trying to give meaning to life through various fads or philosophies. Gradually, largely initiated by watching my children grow and a couple catastrophic events that wound up giving me unfound strength and insight, I came to "see the light" -- recognize that there is a Supreme Being Who created this amazing world, established a set of laws that make it the amazing place it is, then dropped humans (creatures made in His image in that we are sentient beings who can come to recognize and appreciate all that is around us) in its midst to make of it what we will. We are here, with the capacity…

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