February 2, 2025
Sad to me how a word that in effect just means being aware of others can be corrupted to mean something sinister. Far too many people are angry at others for being different from them. And different in terms of skin color, beliefs, actions, religion, etc.
I’m so sick of people denying that man has contributed to climate change. The science is clear. What we should do about it — now that’s a topic for discussion. But our newly elected leaders deny the science — their followers seem to follow their lead.
It’s just a sad state of affairs. We are so divided and I don’t see a way of bringing us together. And maybe we shouldn’t be. Why do I have to live in a country whose government’s policies in so many ways are in conflict with what I believe in, what I value.
I recall as a kid the saying, America — love it or leave it. The rejoinder to that was through democracy we can change things. I’m not so sure of that rejoinder anymore.